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Word from the Bush

25 May 2023 –

Hello Koala Lovers,

I have been in the bush over the last few weeks to look at Koalas in the wild and also to visit the new team in Warialda.

I took the time to visit Narrandera, also in New South Wales, because AKF believes that this small Koala population has a great future.

So much habitat, particularly now there has been so much water over the last few years.

I am more and more convinced that our mapping is essential for identifying key habitats. Have a look at the amount of Primary habitat (red)on this map of Narrandera. Koalas and water are synonymous, and I believe rivers and creeks are where they travelled from colony to colony for mating.

The Koala Kiss Project continues to make me feel that we are on the right track and our Koala Kiss Ranger is beavering away learning how to get all the Kiss points in Gwydir Shire by November this year. He has also started thinking about landholders that will want to participate, which just shows me that people really want to work together.

I still wait for our governments to put their words into action but will be patient for a few more months to see what happens next.

As always, thank you for your continued support and let us make Save the Koala Month in September a time to really make noise about how important Koalas are to our country and to the world.

Fondest regards,



The Koala Whisperer

28 June 2023 –

Hello Koala Lovers, Thank you to everyone who has been making their annual donations to the AKF as we approach the end of our financial year. We are always so grateful to all our supporters because...


A Time of Change

27 April 2023 –

Hello Koala Lovers, Winter is starting to set in here in Australia and Save the Koala Month will soon be upon us, so if you are planning to having something fun to do please let us know. Did you ge...


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