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Deborah's Diary

Guide to Democracy
Hello Koala Lovers, I wrote the Diary below last week in readiness for today, but it cannot go out without mention of the fires in California. Mother Nature is wreaking her fury on this part of ...
Merry Christmas
Hello Koala Lovers, We’ve reached that point in the year where the AKF team and I take a short summer break for Christmas and New Year. As we prepare to say goodbye to 2024, I want to personal...
Bush Christmas
Hello Koala Lovers, It is getting closer to Christmas and César, our Finance Manager and I went to a beautiful country city about an hour west of Brisbane last week to buy up big at a Bush Christm...
Unfamiliar Territory
Hello Koala Lovers, Australia will be heading for an election within the next few months so the AKF focus right now is hoping that the new Parliament will be receptive to a Koala Protection Act. Af...
Heavy on Me
Hello Koala lovers, I am just delighted that on Save the Koala Day, Andy Penkow and his band visited Koala HQ and sang his beautiful new song 'Heavy on Me', dedicated to Koalas. The words are po...
Great change is coming
Hello Koala Lovers, This photo says it all! Last Sunday was just glorious and I just wish all of you could have been with me, Dr. Bob Brown, our Five Star General, and the rest of the gang for a...
Join us in Canberra!
Are you ready to March? The AKF team has been working hard to make sure that everything is ready for the March this Sunday in Canberra. Join us on the day! Click below for all the information you ne...
Introducing Palmy
Hello Koala Lovers, Well today, I appeared on National TV, dressed as Palmy, my outfit for the Koala Army's March for Creatures Great and Small to be held on Sunday 1 September. When I put those...
Lost in Bureaucracy
Hello Koala Lovers, If you remember, in my last diary I wrote and asked the Prime Minister to repeal the Regional Forest Agreements Act 2002 which has been extended until 2039. How people can th...
It’s time to end the RFA!
Hello Koala Lovers, Today in Canberra, I am calling for the Prime Minister to repeal the ridiculous, outdated and monstrous Regional Forest Agreements Act 2002 – a piece of legislation that is no...