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Deborah's Diary

A Letter to Minister Hunt RE: Secret Koala Cull
This morning I wrote to Minister Hunt, the Federal Environment Minister and said, in part, the following; Good morning Greg, This is pretty much the response overnight from the world about the secre...
Hundreds of Victorian koalas killed off in secret cull
The Australian Koala Foundation (AKF) is aware of this emerging story. Hundreds of Victorian koalas killed off in secret cull Deborah has been speaking with the press this morning. If this scienc...
We are ready
Hi all, Can you believe we are coming up to March already? When you're busy, time just flies. 2015 is going to be a big year for the AKF. Slowly but surely the Koala Protection Act has be...
2015 is the AKF’s year!
Hi everyone and welcome to 2015. Australia goes to sleep over the Christmas period, basically until Australia Day on 26th January, but we are now back, awake and ready to go. Are you ready to h...
9th December, 2014
AKF is getting ready for Christmas and in a few days, Matthew is going to send you a video that will show what an incredible year we have had with our team and our endeavours to save the Koala. &n...
Tuesday 18th November, 2014: Koala Diplomacy
I have a new catchphrase “Koala Diplomacy”. It was coined by a BBC journalist in his wrap up of the G20 recently held in Brisbane. The group were supposed to talk economics but really ...
Monday 10th November
The AKF has been busy writing two Senate Submissions and they will be made public once the Senate Committee has approved their contents. In both of these documents we have highlighted t...
25th September 2014
Since my last Diary, there has been two articles dealing with the death of a National Parks Officer. Sydney Morning Herald Link The Australian Link This is a sobering story for all concerned, but i...
11th August 2014
Save the Koala Month is coming up and I do hope that many of you will find the time to spread the word about the AKF, and our mission to get a Koala Protection Act for the Koala. Our fu...
26th June 2014
I just counted up how many emails I have sent to either the Federal Minister, Mr. Greg Hunt (Greg.Hunt.MP@aph.gov.au) or his senior staff over the last few months. It is approximately 30 and they cov...