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Deborah's Diary

19th August 2013

19 August 2013 –

How many Koalas in any given landscape give the Koala population long term viability?   Is it 1000 or 5000 and over what area of landscape? No-one really knows  is the answer. Even thou...

5th August 2013

5 August 2013 –

The Prime Minister yesterday called an election for September 7th (K-Day) and this gives all of you (and the Koala Army) to voice your opinion on the protection of the Koala. (more…)...

23rd July 2013

23 July 2013 –

Last night a TV report showed that Koalas are being killed by bulldozers in blue gum plantations.   These trees which have been the life blood for Koalas in Victoria over the last 10-15 year...

2nd July 2013

2 July 2013 –

I am not exactly sure where to start with this diary because in recent times our Federal politicians have just turned our country upside down. Our Prime Minister was replaced overnight and the federal...

11th June 2013

11 June 2013 –

Are you recruiting for the Koala Army - nothing is more important right now. (more…)...

9th May 2013

9 May 2013 –

Yesterday, one of our long term supporters Colin popped into the office and talked about many things with me.  He is a wise and very curious man and as always I learnt a great deal from him. &nbs...

15th April 2013

15 April 2013 –

Nearly two months since I have written and all I can say right now is that I continue to be dismayed at the lack of commitment by our political leaders about the protection of the environment and all ...

25th February 2013

25 February 2013 –

Last week, the Board and I with our team and trusted volunteers went to Quinlans for a 5 day strategic planning time so we can set our course for 2013 and beyond.   Our future is very cle...

Monday 28th January, 2013

29 January 2013 –

  Welcome back to my Diary and in 2013 we are going to be full steam ahead working towards a Koala Protection Bill and then a Koala Protection Act. In coming weeks the draft document will be in...

30th November 2012

29 November 2012 –

Christmas is nearly upon us and I do hope that you are ordering your gifts from our Catalogue.  If you haven’t received one, email us and we can send it out. Since my last Diary a lot h...


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