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Deborah's Diary

January 2011

31 December 2010 –

I imagine many of you are reading about the floods in Queensland, and as I write this from my home while on holidays, it is pouring and will continue for some time to come (see photos of Brisbane City...

December 2010

30 November 2010 –

Only one week to go until holidays, and before we go I wanted to get something to you about the upcoming Senate Inquiry as I promised. I have asked an independent consultant to advise AKF on how we, ...

December 2010

30 November 2010 –

I am going on holidays! Mr Darcy and I will be spending the next few weeks not thinking about koalas so when we return on 17th January we can go full steam ahead for their protection.   In the...

November 2010

31 October 2010 –

Yesterday was a red letter day for the koala and I am writing with great enthusiasm because Senator Bob Brown (pictured left) was able to get support for a Senate Inquiry into the status, health and s...

November 2010

31 October 2010 –

Thank you all for writing to Senator Brown about the Senate Inquiry. It is great that so many of you care. Many of you are receiving information back from his office asking you to submit something in ...

November 2010

31 October 2010 –

Hi to everyone, In recent days, Senator Bob Brown asked questions in the Senate about the protection and listing of the koala. You can read his questions and the answers here. If you read between the...

October 2010

1 October 2010 –

Save the Koala Month is over, and so is the deadline of 30th September which was set by Minister Peter Garrett to make his decision about listing the koala as vulnerable. Several media have approache...

October 2010

1 October 2010 –

I have just written to the Shadow Minister for the Environment Mr Greg Hunt asking him to question Minister Burke about his non-decision on the koala listing. At this stage there is nothing to do b...

September 2010

1 September 2010 –

Hi to everyone. Happy Save the Koala Day! Let us hope that by the end of the month the Australian Government has made the right decision to list the koala as vulnerable. If you haven't already do...

September 2010

1 September 2010 –

Hi to all, It is now nearly two weeks since Australia went to the polls and we still do not have a Government in place. By and large I am very happy with this outcome and honestly it reflects what I ...


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