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Mr Darcy

Monday 15th November 2010
I think I have Monday-itis today, just lots of popping out to the toilet and then sleeping on the lovely cool kitchen floor. The weekend was incredibly busy. Dane, my grandpa has taught me how to play...
Thursday 11th November 2010
Back from Quinlans which was very busy. Mum spoke with lots of people about doing up the shower block and also getting a whole stack of trees donated. This will be particularly good for me. At home, m...
Tuesday 9th November 2010
Sorry I can't update my diary today I am off to Quinlans with Mum. Will update you all on Thursday. By the way I think I have really mastered this chook thing... ...
26th September 2011
My Vet says I have to stay quiet for nearly a month and guess what, that is really, really hard. I want to play with Tim and Polly and go to Quinlans and play with Mum, but I have to stay quiet, becau...
Monday 8th November 2010
Mum has gone off to koala meetings all day and dropped me off to spend the day in the office with the girls. I have all my toys here, and in between sleeps Rose takes me downstairs in the back alley s...
Thursday 28th October 2010
It has been such a busy week. Over the weekend I learnt lots of lessons about not chasing chooks, but it is very hard not too. They run so fast, but gosh when they peck you, that isn't good. Then back...
Friday 22nd October 2010
Mum is at an important lunch today so I have come in to help out the girls at the office. I have been very busy patrolling to office making sure everything is in its right place. I am looking forward ...
Thursday 21st October 2010
I was exhausted when I got home last night, but very happy to be back in the office this morning. Everything seems familiar and I think I have home sorted out too. This morning at home I met these thi...
Wednesday 20th October 2010
Mum picked me up at Murgon in Queensland two days ago. I was born in the bush and I am now 8 weeks old - a perfect time to leave my birth mother. I have been very busy getting to know Dane, Polly and ...
Friday 5th November 2010
I am not going into the office today, Mum says I have been too busy and need a rest. Last night I got put to bed early as usual because there were a lot of yukky things called “canetoads” ru...