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7th June 2016
Hi everyone! Mum and Lulu (Matilda) have only been gone for one day, but I miss them already! I hope you're keeping up to date with their journey. www.vote1matilda.com....
1st June 2016
Hi everyone, Do you know what, I can finally tell you who our new family member is! It's a donkey!... Well, SHE is a donkey. I have a donkey sister! Her name is Lulu. ...
9th May 2016
Hi everyone! So excited - mum was interviewed on the TV news on Saturday night and on ABC radio this morning with Steve Austin - I was home so I could hear it. She was talking about the 8...
18th April 2016
Hello everyone, No-one has guessed what our new family member is and that is a good thing because it is absolutely top secret. I know that secret though and in a few weeks, I am going ...
5th February 2016
Guess what! We got a new friend at home today and her name is Lulu... I am going to get you to guess what she is – her kind begins with a CAPITAL D! Write to knelson@savethekoal...
16th December 2015
At last it is holidays. Mum has been talking about this for ABSOLUTELY AGES and now we get to spend time with Mum, not just at Quinlans, but at home. Mum said EVERYONE in our family is...
30th November 2015
If I could Tweet like Mum (follow her on Twitter here), then I would say "How can Charlie think this is mature?"...
17th November 2015
Hi everyone, Guess what! Charlie is 1 - can you believe it. I found him writing (yes writing) to his birth mother, Gidget. Turns out I've been teaching him more than just how t...
11th November 2015
Hi everyone, Well, I thought I was the only writer in the family, but turns out I was wrong! Mum’s released her very first book, and it’s really, really good! It's called Koal...
5th November 2015
OK - I know he looks cute. Everyone says so, but honestly if you saw him chasing the chickens around our garden you would ABSOLUTELY be shocked at his behaviour. Whe...