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News & Events

Great Grandchild returns to Koala Beach

12 September 2012 –

A recent sighting of a Koala in Koala Beach Estate, on the northern New South Wales coast has got us all talking here in the Australian Koala Foundation office. For those of you that don’t know, Koa...

Meet Our ‘Koala Woman’

12 September 2012 –

Wildlife Heroes by Julie Scardina and Jeff Flocken profiles the work of 40 charismatic environmentalists who have devoted their lives to helping species survive. Included is non-other than our very ow...

AKF Releases New Research – Trees that will save the Koala

4 September 2012 –

  TREES THAT WILL SAVE THE KOALA AUSTRALIAN KOALA FOUNDATION RELEASES NEW RESEARCH The Australian Koala Foundation has today released the results of research which has established a...

It’s Time To Worry Mate – September is Save the Koala Month

31 August 2012 –

  September is Save the Koala Month, the annual awareness and fundraising campaign of the Australian Koala Foundation (AKF). The AKF is the principal not for profit, non-government organisatio...

Supporter of the Month – August 2012

3 August 2012 –

Our supporter of the month, Paul D. May is a passionate “eco-warrior”. Thanks to his perseverance and his thirst for knowledge he has met various environmentalists, including Deborah Tabart, whose...

Volunteering at the Australian Koala Foundation

3 August 2012 –

  We get a lot of people enquiring about VOLUNTEERING at AKF and we thought we should let you know what it's like. I have been volunteering for 3 months now and I can’t tell you how much I h...

From Deborah

8 May 2012 –

In the weeks leading up to Minister Burke’s decision on 30th April the campaign in favour of the koala really ramped up. We received plenty of interest from the world’s leading news organisations ...

Minister Announces Vulnerable Listing

8 May 2012 –

 It is with cautious celebrations that we welcomed Minister Tony Burke’s announcement on 30th April. Koalas in Queensland, News South Wales and the ACT are now classified as vulnerable while th...

German Actress Adopts a Koala

8 May 2012 –

The AKF is proud to introduce you to our first German celebrity supporter: Actress Valea Scalabrino who plays Sina Uhland in the daily soap “Unter Uns.” We were looking for a young, fresh face ...

Media Coverage: Vulnerable Koala Listing

30 April 2012 –

The big day has finally arrived: After a series of delays Minister Tony Burke announced his decision to list the koala as Vulnerable across Queensland, New South Wales and the ACT . The AKF´s CEO ...


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