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AKF: NSW Koala Strategy based on poor data; AKF not consulted
The Australian Koala Foundation has contacted the NSW State Government expressing grave concerns on the development of the NSW Koala Strategy. Click here for the full submissions to the NSW Ministe...
AKF welcomes 2017 as the year to gain final support for the Koala Protection Act
The Australian Koala Foundation (AKF) currently estimates there are between 44,920 and 85,495 Koalas left in the wild. When you consider that more than 8 million Koalas were killed for their fur...
Geo-enabling our community
AKF landscape ecologist Dave Mitchell will be in Canberra this week to present the power of the AKF's maps and their potential to address issues of development, community, and protecting our vulnerabl...
Before the Flood
In the lead up to the United States' presidential election, National Geographic released a film with Leonardo di Caprio titled Before The Flood, which was available to view for free on YouTu...
Myall Koala & Envt Group works with MidCoast Water to save Koala tree
We were delighted to hear today that the Myall Koala & Environmental Group was recently successful in having a Swamp Mahogany tree classified as a “significant tree” by MidCoast Water in New S...
Fire in Port Stephens threatens local koala population
The Newcastle Herald reports that "more than 9000 hectares of koala habitat was burnt" in this week's bushfires in the Port Stephens area. For the local koala population, the situation is looking very...
Koalas back in Kembla
Eight koalas have been spotted in the heights of Mount Kembla in the Illawarra region south of Sydney, ending a 70 year hiatus of no koala presence in the area. There has also been a lot of bellowing ...
Visit the Save The Koala Shop this Christmas
Christmas is coming, Koala lovers, and our Save The Koala Shop is full of exciting new items, as well as our classics this holiday season. Check out our catalogue of key pieces, keep an e...
We live in koala habitat, not the other way around
A couple of videos have gone viral from South Australia in the past week, including a Koala and her Joey taking a morning stroll and a family that had a Koala wander into their home. While...
October 2016 Newsletter
Our newsletter for the month of October was published today - click here to read it! It features a video from our celebration of Save The Koala Day 2016, an article from Finance Manager Lorraine O'...