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No Tree No Me

25 January 2018 –

Dear Koala Lovers,

Welcome to 2018 and I know it is going to be a great year for the AKF in our endeavours to find the way to enact the Koala Protection Act.

Over the summer, I had quite a few weeks off and Mr Darcy and the rest of the troops loved having me around and vice versa. It was great to get away from the madding crowd.

In Australia we have the most wonderful national public radio, and Radio National has the most interesting and amazing topics with incredible journalists. During the summer while many are watching the cricket or tennis (a favourite pastime of Australians) I found myself on a day bed listening to the “best of Radio National”. What it made me realise is that there are so many brave, courageous and smart people out there doing great things, and me and my team have to be seen in that way.

As we approach February 1st, Lorraine (who has worked for the AKF nearly as long as me) reminded me that this year will be my 30th year as CEO. It truly feels like yesterday when I was asked to join the AKF. As I have said before, I never thought I would have to do the things that I do on a daily basis to help the Koala, but what I did realise over the summer is that my job has just begun.

Who would have thought it would be hard to save the Koala? Well actually that is easy – everyone loves them. What is hard is to save their habitat. That is extremely difficult. My regular readers will know that I think the Koala has powerful enemies and this year, I am determined to educate you all on the reasons that Koalas habitat is under threat, why it must be saved, and how you have the power to make it happen.

AKF intends to find a way to enact a law that will save Koala forests. There is no legislation in our land that actually starts with first principles. We should start with the horse in front of the cart – don’t cut the trees down. How can anyone in our leadership not understand that simple rule? No Tree No Me.

No Tree No Me

I am going to repeatedly tell you that 85% of the world’s forests have been cleared and 80% of the Koala forests have also gone. I want you all to really sit down and think what that might mean for our weather, our climate and our wellbeing. And you! And your children and of course for all the generations to come.

I note too that the Pope was recently in South America pleading with the world to save the Amazon Rainforest. Who would have thought that this was even a possibility; that it would be destroyed beyond repair? For those of you old enough to remember Sting going in there to say the same thing; well, what happened?

Greed is what happened, and most importantly international laws did not stop the bulldozers.

The Koala Protection Act will stop the bulldozers. There is enough land in Australia to be repaired and be available for a built environment that we should not have to ever cut another tree down. That will be the mantra for the year.

We are hoping that Koala Army members can become special forces of good, that will educate my team about how they think they can help to save this beautiful planet. Urban is also going to have great tips; how to make your life more sustainable, how to be a better citizen of the planet and better still, what you need to do to help the Koala.

So, will you join us? We need you!



Koalas Safe at Quinlans

28 March 2018 –

Dear Koala Lovers,   Nearly 10 years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Quinlan donated their property to the AKF for the protection of the Koala and other flora and fauna. This opened up a completely new...


Still waiting

19 December 2017 –

2017 seems to have gone very fast, and like all Australians I am looking forward to having some time off in our summer so that we can come back refreshed for 2018. In recent weeks, I received a letter...


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