Prepared by IAN AUSTIN
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For further information on Koala research go to
Albrecht, G. 2000. The koala and a native sense of place: the urgent need for a distinctively Australian environmental ethic. In Proceedings from the Conference on the Status of the Koala in 2000 . Australian Koala Foundation, Brisbane. pp.91-104.
Anon 1990, Sept Auto. Rescuing the Koala. In Royal Auto . p. 5.
Australian Koala Foundation 1993. Proceedings of a Conference on the Status of the Koala in 1993, incorporating the third National Carers Conference – North Sydney, NSW. Australian Koala Foundation, Brisbane.
Australian Koala Foundation 1995. Proceedings of a Conference on the Status of the Koala in 1995, incorporating the fourth National Carers Conference – Coolangatta, QLD. Australian Koala Foundation, Brisbane.
Australian Koala Foundation 1996. Proceedings of a Conference on the Status of the Koala in 1996 incorporating the fifth National Carers Conference – Coolangatta, QLD. Australian Koala Foundation, Brisbane.
Australian Koala Foundation 1997. Proceedings of a Conference on the Status of the Koala in 1997, incorporating the sixth National Carers Conference – Port Stephens, NSW. Australian Koala Foundation, Brisbane.
Australian Koala Foundation 1998. Proceedings of a Conference on the Status of the Koala in 1998, incorporating the seventh National Carers Conference – Coffs Harbour, NSW. Australian Koala Foundation, Brisbane.
Australian Koala Foundation 1999. Proceedings of a Conference on the Status of the Koala in 1999, incorporating the eighth National Carers Conference – Phillip Island, VIC. Australian Koala Foundation, Brisbane.
Australian Koala Foundation 2000. Proceedings of a Conference on the Status of the Koala in 2000, incorporating the ninth National Carers Conference – Noosa, QLD. Australian Koala Foundation, Brisbane.
Australian Koala Foundation 2001. Proceedings of a Conference on the Status of the Koala in 2001, incorporating the tenth National Carers Conference – Canberra, ACT. Australian Koala Foundation, Brisbane.
Australian Koala Foundation 2002. Proceedings of a Conference on the Status of the Koala in 2002, incorporating the eleventh National Carers Conference – Ballarat, VIC. Australian Koala Foundation, Brisbane.
Bali, R. & Delaney, R. 1996. A Review of Koala Radio-collaring Research National Parks and Wildlife Service, Sydney.
Ballier, F. 1802. Quoted in The Early History of the Koala. by Iredale, T and Whitely. Victoria Naturalist. 51.
Barret, C. 1943. Koala – The Story of Australia’s native Bear. Robertson and Mullens, Melbourne.
Bergin, T.J. Ed. The Koala. Proceeding of the Taronga Symposium on Koala Biology, Management and Medicine. Sydney: Zoological Parks Board of NSW pp. 20-28.
Blanshard, W.H. 1991. Growth and Development of the Koala From Birth to Weaning. In Biology of the Koala. (Eds. Lee, A.K., Handasyde, K.A. and Sanson, G.D.) pp. 193-202.
Booth, R. 2000. Threatening Processes for Koalas: A wildlife Veterinarian’s Perspective. In Proceedings from the Conference on the Status of the Koala in 2000 . Australian Koala Foundation, Brisbane. pp.57-62.
Bradstock, M. 1989. Flight of Koalas. Southerly: A Review of Australian Literature. 49(3), 530.
Brown, A. S. 1988. The Health of Australia’s Koalas: More Research is Needed Urgently. In The Medical Journal of Australia. 149, 662-664.
Callaghan, J., Thompson, J. & Mitchell, D. 2000. The Noosa Koala Habitat Atlas: Prepared for Noosa Shire Council by the Australian Koala Foundation. In Proceedings from the Conference on the Status of the Koala in 2000 . Australian Koala Foundation, Brisbane. pp.9-16.
Campbell, P. Prentice, R. and McRae, P. 1979. Report on the 1977 Koala Survey. In Wildlife in Australia 16, 2-6.
Close, R. 1993. Campbelltown’s Koalas: What is their future. National Parks Journal (NSW). Aug 93, 22-25.
Cork, S.J. 2001. The concept of ecosystem services and what it means for conservation of koalas. In Proceedings from the Conference on the Status of the Koala in 2001 . Australian Koala Foundation, Brisbane.
Cronin, L. Ed. 1987. Koala, Australia’s Endearing Marsupial. Frenchs Forests (NSW). Reed Book.
Davies, W. (ed.) 1983. Wildlife of the Brisbane area. Jacaranda Press : Milton, Queensland pp. 32-42.
Degabriele, R. 1973. Koalas Thrive in a tropical haven. In Habitat 1, 8-11.
Denny, M. 1985. A Survey of koalas and platypuses in the Pindari Dam enlargement area. Report to the Water Resource Commission. New South Wales.
Department of Planning. 1995. State Environmental Planning Policy No 44 – Koala Habitat Protection. Circular No. B35, 22 March.
de Villiers, Deidre. 2000. Aspects of koala mortality in the Koala Coast: cars and dogs. In Proceedings from the Conference on the Status of the Koala in 2000 . Australian Koala Foundation, Brisbane. pp.149-154.
Dickens, R.K. 1975. The Koala: Past, Present and Future. In Australian Veterinary Journal 51, 459-463.
Dique, D.S., de Villiers, D. & Preece, H.J. 2003. Evaluation of line-transect sampling for estimating koala abundance in the Pine Rivers Shire, south-east Queensland. In Wildlife Research 30(2), 127 – 133.
Ewing, T. 1989. Koala Researcher Faces Charges. In Nature. p. 341.
Faulks, J. 1991. A preliminary investigation of the distribution of koalas and their potential habitat in the Tweed Shire, and implications for management. Australian Zoologist 27, 1-13.
Frechkop, S. 1965. Notes sur les mammiferes LIII.- De la main du koala, Phascolarctos cinereus (Goldfuss). Bulletin de l’Institut Royale des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique 41(38), 1-3.
Gall, B.C. 1978. Koala distribution in New South Wales. In The Koala, Proceedings of the Taronga Symposium on Koala Biology, Management and Medicine. (Ed. T.J. Bergin ) Sydney: the Zoological Parks Board of NSW p. 115.
Gall, B.C. and Rohan-Jones, W. 1978. Koala Survey. In Parks and Wildlife 2, 64-67.
Goldstein, W. 1976. Koala. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Sydney 18 pp.
Gordon, G. (Ed) 1996. Koalas – Research for Mangement. Proceedings of the Brisbane Koala Symposium, 22nd-23rd September 1990. World Koala Research Incorporated, Brisbane.
Gordon, G. & Mcgreevy D. G., 1978. The Status of the Koala in Queensland. In The Koala: Proceedings of the Taronga Symposium. (ed. Bergin TJ), pp. 125-131. Zoological Parks Board of New South Wales, Sydney.
Gordon, G., McGreevy, D.G. and Lawrie, B.C. 1991. Koala populations in Queensland: major limiting factors. In Biology Of The Koala (Eds. Lee, A.K, Handasyde, K.A. and Sanson, G.D.). Chipping Bay (NSW): Surrey Beatty and Sons. pp. 85-95.
Gowans, S., Gibson, M. & Prevett, P. 2000. Habitat assessment and koala density in the Brisbane Ranges National Park, Victoria: Preliminary Findings. In Proceedings from the Conference on the Status of the Koala in 2000 . Australian Koala Foundation, Brisbane. pp.29-38.
Grabowski, W. 2000. Our Spirit, Our Land: The Pine Rivers Koala Care Association Incorporated. In Proceedings from the Conference on the Status of the Koala in 2000 . Australian Koala Foundation, Brisbane. pp.111-130.
Grzimck, B. 1972. The Koala. In Grzimck’s Animal Life Encyclopedia. 10. New York: Van Nostrand. pp. 121-128.
Handasyde, K.A. 1992. The Koala: General Biology and Habitat Requirement with Particular Reference to Phillip Island. In Koalas at Risk: Papers and Proceedings of the Community Summit on Koalas. Phillip Island: Friends of the Koalas. pp. 29-40.
Harris, J.M. & Goldingay, R.L. 2003. A community-based survey for the koala Phascolarctos cinereus in the Lismore region of north-eastern New South Wales. Australian Mammalogy 25, 155-167.
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