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Deborah's Diary

Important Announcement

14 May 2019 –

Hello Koala lovers, I have just put out a press release (probably the most important press release of AKF’s history) to announce that I think the Koala may be “functionally extinct” in the la...

The River Red Gum

10 April 2019 –

Hello Koala lovers, Thank you so much for the feedback on my last Diary about water. It shows that you are all on the page about the importance of water to us as humans, and the environment. I ...

Floods, Fire and Drought

26 February 2019 –

Hello Koala lovers, Last week I was in Western New South Wales and as I drove west, I kept on coming across bridges with the words “Overflow”. It reminded me of the famous poem by Banjo Paterso...

Respect the past

30 January 2019 –

Happy New Year Koala Lovers, I have had a lovely break and I have been back at work for a couple of weeks. I had a great rest and time for reflection and I am truly looking forward to 2019 and to w...

Where do you fit in?

20 December 2018 –

Hi Koala lovers, This is my last diary for the year and I have so much to say that I do not know what to write. 2018 has been a tumultuous year, not just here in Australia, but all around the world...

Prince Harry & Koalas

13 November 2018 –

Dear Koala lovers, One of the great things about my job is receiving letters, cards and drawings from people all over the world. This gorgeous drawing of a Koala called Mongoose was a life d...

We need to take action!

9 October 2018 –

Hello Koala lovers, I am hoping you will take the time to have a look at the submissions for the Senate Inquiry into why federal environment laws are not working in Australia. Of course AKF's su...

Happy Save the Koala Day!

26 September 2018 –

Hello Koala lovers, Happy Save the Koala Day for Friday 28th. We hope you are having a great week. Please share your stories with AKF here.     As always thank you for you...

Who is the custodian of the Koala?

21 August 2018 –

Hello Koala lovers, The AKF has submitted our submission for the new Senate Inquiry and I note the date has now been extended to 10th September so you still have time to make your comments. Our tea...

Australia’s Faunal Crisis

24 July 2018 –

Hello Koala Lovers, Those of you who remember the Senate Inquiry of 2011 and the subsequent listing of the Koala in April 2012 (under the EPBC Act), will, I think be shocked that there is now anoth...


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